
A home for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender kids

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide a safe, predictable, home environment for the children. To provide, education, opportunity and to give these kids the chance to flourish. A chance that they haven’t had up to now. To bring them back into society and contribute to the betterment of all of us.

More about our goals

Who We Are

We are a group of people who care about LGBT kids. Our professions range from Healthcare Professionals to Artisans, we are using our diverse skill sets and passion to create a home for children.

Our Stories


If you wish join our vision and help to create a stable home for our children then please visit the link below to contribute.

DonationsOur Contributors

About us

The Team

Web Design by: Coyote Images

Web Admin: admin@sanctuary-space.orgPrivacy

Photographs by: Karren Seely