
Update: Monday, May 9th, 2016

Coming Soon, Resource page listing local and national resources in the event that you or someone you know needs some help.

In the meantime: the Ali Forney Center, Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, the Trevor Project, and the Fenway Institute are some excellent places to get information or look for further resources.

Funding Initiative has gone live!

May 12, 2016. Our funding initiative has gone live, we had four donors in the first 24 hours and 94 shares, that is an exceellent start. Keep up the momentum! Every little bit helps. And thanks to all of you for working to make this possible.

And the Website is Live: 7/6/16

So a lot has happened in the past month. We reached $1000 which is amazing, we’ve reserved the land which is a big milestone. And now the website has gone live! way to go everyone for all the work! Keep sharing and if you can, please donate, no amount is too small :)

The next steps I’ll be working on are a facebook page and getting our Non-profit status, I’ll keep you posted.

About us

The Team

Web Design by: Coyote Images

Web Admin: admin@sanctuary-space.orgPrivacy

Photographs by: Karren Seely